Monday, March 31, 2008

5 & 6 November 2011

Rico says he was in North Carolina to attend his only reenactment of 2011, at Fort Branch. He showed up in his Federal uniform, as the locals have more than enough Confederates.
At the reenactment, Rico hung out with a Federal artillery unit (photo), and almost got stomped by the cavalry battle (which is kinda wimpy; they can't fire their pistols and can only tink their sabers together) but he did get to fire (and thus have to clean; bummer) his musket.
While next year is the actual 150th anniversary of the tiny battle there, this was the only opportunity he had to attend one in 2011. It was overcast and cool on Saturday, but warmer on Sunday.
(Rico says he went in mufti on Sunday; too much nuisance for not enough Gasm.)

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